Friday, November 27, 2009

How do you make an image go straight down than across another image?

i have an image that i put on my myspace profile but it goes acroos than down for example:

image here

image here

i want it like that than this

image here image here

how can i do this?

How do you make an image go straight down than across another image?

Your images might be too big to fit across...You can change that by simply resizing them

If that's not the problem though, then make sure you're not putting "%26lt;br%26gt;" or "%26lt;p%26gt;" after each image...That's like pressing enter on your keyboard, only in coding form

Other than that, I don't know what else could make them go across. If you want them to scroll across the page though, put "%26lt;MARQUEE DIRECTION=left

SCROLLAMOUNT=5%26gt;%26lt;img src=IMAGE URL HERE!%26gt;%26lt;/marquee%26gt;"

I hope that helped a little bit, and if not, then good luck figuring out it =)

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